Learn with T3 Alliance

University of Alaska, Teaching Through Technology (T³) Alliance is an adaptable curriculum with a comprehensive instructor support system that can be widely adapted to increase the STEM interest of high school students. We rapidly moved T3’s previous in-person program to online curriculum where teachers, trainers and students can go through courses together. In addition, Gum Design built a custom interaction to bring registered students into Discord, where conversations about coursework, community and program expansion happens daily.


T3 Alliance is a division of Educating For Leadership, a non-profit organization.

Educating For Leadership is non-profit organization who provides support for education projects that create authentic and relevant leadership opportunities that engage students on a global scale, creating experiences that inspire lifelong learners.

Gum Design – I really think you guys are goldmines – You bridge the non-profit/marketing world and the academia world very nicely. We don’t use your skills nearly enough.

Adam Low, Assistant Director of Upward Bound
University of Alaska Fairbanks