Why Use Socialmedia?

h4. Extend Customer Service

Socialmedia outlets can become an extension of your company’s customer service.

If you haven’t convinced yourself that there is a way to use these tools to advance your business then consider this. Millions of people consider them worthwhile their time.

Every business knows customer service is crucial to success. Answer the phone. Check your emails. Follow up on leads. Make every effort to keep your customer happy. We have new channels to do this using Web 2 technology/socialmedia websites.

Your customers are using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other socialmedia websites to interact with their peers, stay abreast of societal trends and be entertained. Socialmedia site’s informal nature adds personality behind the company and can be preferred outlets for communication. Would you email someone who requested to be phoned? No.

Meet them at their place.

h4. Targeted Marketing

At the heart of social media is social groups. People form networks of groups with like minded opinions and interests. Answer the guess, where is my customer? There’s a high probability people in the Coffee Club Group like coffee; and that the New Moms Group are new parents. These markets are self defined and if you believe in your product or service, will be receptive to your unique perspective.

Don’t bombard people with advertising. The information you provide must have some value to it, so people pass it along. You profile, postings, and information are testaments to your business and they themselves are personal recommendations to chose you.

Give insight how your business will help them.

h4. Branding